Time for another Mcadams Plumbing Fun Fact of the Week! I know, you’re all just sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to see what we’re up to. Well, let’s end the suspense!
This week we’re going to talk about copper pipes. Now, I know we’ve touched on this subject in a previous Fun Fact when we told you that over 5.3 million miles of copper piping has been installed in U.S. buildings. That’s a lot of copper! But do you know how long copper pipes have been used?
The copper piping that we use in homes and building for our plumbing needs is the same material that the Egyptians used some 3000 years ago! That’s pretty awesome! Those Egyptians, smart people…
Anyway, that’s all we have for today. As always we would love to hear your questions, comments, or suggestions for future blogs. You can comment below or contact us at [email protected]. Thanks, and remember, the Proof is in the Plumbing!