Welcome to the newly designed McAdams Plumbing website and thank you for taking the time to read over our first company related blog post. If you’ve perused our website and read our mission statement, creed, or our about us page you pretty much know what we are all about. We thought it would be best to take this opportunity to tell you about the new brand and what our website now offers.
This is the new McAdams Plumbing brand. What we really wanted to show in our logo was our dedication to our residential customers. We did this by incorporating the “M” in McAdams as a twin gabled roof over a residential home. Since we do not perform commercial service our equipment and servicemen are much cleaner and do not leave odor or residue behind. This also allows us to not only offer a 2 hour service window, but we can set appointment times with 24 hours notice as well.
We chose “The Proof is in the Plumbing” as our tag line because we want to prove our quality standard to our customers personally. There’s only so much we can do over the phone to earn your trust, but if you give us a chance to be your plumbing company, we’ll prove it in our service.
With our new website we finally have the chance to give customers not only information about our business, but tips and advice for helping you stay educated and safe! Each page will offer tips related to the service on that page, and soon will have video interviews with current customers telling you what they think of our company. These are local customers, so keep an eye on the site because you might just see someone you know!
Our blog will continue to offer information about specific plumbing services, along with walk throughs on fixing some of those easy to do plumbing issues. Also, we would truly love to hear from you on what topics you would like us to discuss. We are here to serve you, so suggest to us what you want to know! We’ll either address your questions/comments directly or catalog them for future blog posts.
Lastly, we do have a specials page up on our website. These deals are very good and they will change every month or two. So if you have a service need, make sure you check the specials first to see if we have a matching offer. Of course if you call in for a service and we have it on a deal, we’ll let you know over the phone.
Thanks everyone and we can’t wait to hear from you!
-Chris McAdams