At McAdams Plumbing we really do try to enforce how important it is to use professionals when dealing with some of the larger plumbing issues, whether it’s through our company or another. Recently, an event occurred in Erie, CO, that serves as a great example of the potential dangers in plumbing work.
On Wednesday, August 1, a licensed plumbing contractor and his two man crew were lighting a commercial hot water heater at Erie Middle School. This was the first time the natural gas in the building had been turned on since an extensive remodel had occurred. As of now no specific details have been released but OSHA has launched an in-depth investigation. Somehow the natural gas had leaked into the room, unknown to the plumbing crew, and when they attempted to light the pilot it caused a massive explosion, severely burning and injuring all three men. Thankfully, one worker was released from the hospital the same day and there were no fatalities.
The strength of the blast was powerful enough to actually cause a portion of the roof of the gymnasium to collapse, compounding the workers injuries. While this is an uncommon result with water heaters, it does go to show that even licensed professionals can be in danger when performing their job. This is why we always recommend you use a licensed and insured plumbing company to perform these more complicated tasks.