The Holidays Are Here!

The Holidays Are Here!

Plumbing in the Holidays

It’s cold outside, snow flurries are popping up all over the place, and the malls are getting crowded; that can mean only one thing: The holidays are here!

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Boxing Day, it’s exciting to see all the festivities and decorations brightening up our city.

Holidays in Denver

With the holiday season also comes family traditions. We all have different traditions in our families that help remind us of when we were younger and times were simpler. Within my family we still follow several traditions throughout the month of December.

For instance, we prepare a huge batch of homemade hard candy on the first weekend of December to share with friends, family, and to give as gifts. This tradition goes back 3 generations now which is very exciting.

McAdams Family Christmas

My wife comes from a Jewish background so we also celebrate the eight days of Hanukkah with traditional hebrew prayers and the lighting of the menorah. This is a practice that I love because as I had very few Jewish friends growing up so I had little opportunity to learn about their customs, which are beautiful.

Jewish Holidays

On Christmas eve, the family gets together in the evening and exchanges one small gift, just for fun and as an excuse to sit and have drinks together. On Christmas morning my father-in-law prepares fresh cinnamon rolls and we all delight in those before getting a nice tall cup of coffee and assembling around the Christmas tree.

McAdams Family Christmas

These are just a few of the fun traditions our family holds on to. How about you? Do you still keep traditions alive in your family? Or are you starting new traditions this year?

We’d love to hear all about it. Tell us your holiday traditions on Twitter and Facebook with the tag #MPTraditions.



Plumbers in Boulder

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