McAdams Plumbing has a brand new plumbing process video up: Main Drain Line Repair.
Now, I know you’ve all have been holding your breath waiting for this, so here it is!
So this is a usual repair in older homes that still have cast iron pipes. Cast iron loses it’s integrity due to all the minerals in the water and oxidation of the metal. Eventually, it’s bound to crack. This drain line had a very severe crack!
Oh, and if you’re wondering why the video is dedicated to Don, here’s the story. There was a young boy at the home in which this repair took place who just LOVES mechanics. Unfortunately he was unable to be there the day the repair took place. He was very upset about this so we told his dad we’d make a video just for him.
Hope you all enjoyed it! Remember, with McAdams Plumbing, the Proof is in the Plumbing.