Broomfield Supports Team Nora

Broomfield Supports Team Nora

Team Nora Broomfield

On Sunday, November 2nd, the McAdams family had the privilege of meeting Nora Rozgony and the Rozgony family at the Team Nora Family Walk.

In May, 8 year old Nora went to the hospital feeling very sick. After antibiotics had no effect on the illness she returned to her doctor where they discovered an aggressive tumor in her chest.

After two rounds of chemotherapy and surgery to remove the mass, another tumor was found in her abdomen which led to emergency surgery.

Since then Nora and her family have been traveling to Boston for specialized care and treatment in an experimental drug trial at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

The Team Nora Family Walk was organized by friends of the family and the community of Red Leaf here in Broomfield. It was an amazing show of support with hundreds of residents walking, filling out get well cards, and creating chalk murals in support of Nora.

The family is continuing to accept donations to help offset the costs of treatments, travel and overnight stay fees, and loss of work due to the aggressive changes in the schedules of Nora’s parents. You can send your donations to the Cross of Christ Church located at 12099 Lowell Blvd, Broomfield, CO 80020. 

You can also learn more about Nora and her family and donate via the CaringBridge website by following this link, or follow her story on her community Facebook page found here.

On behalf of the McAdams family, I wish Nora a speedy recovery and want the Rozgony family to know they are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. If there’s anything we can do to help, we’d love to.


Plumbers in Broomfield

See the Fox News report here.

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